
Help your community to stay alive


What fees for North-Industries?

As a cherished contributor to North Industries, your support fuels our gaming community’s growth and success. We want you to know that every donation you make goes directly to the same account used to cover crucial expenses, including server costs, domain fees, and licenses for essential gaming tools. Your generosity ensures a seamless and immersive gaming experience for all members.


As you may know, running a thriving gaming community comes with essential costs, and your generosity directly impacts our growth and impact. Your contributions go toward covering:

Server Fees

Our servers form the backbone of our community, ensuring smooth and enjoyable gaming experiences for every member.


Our online presence remains accessible and identifiable to fellow gamers, thanks to your support in maintaining the domain.


We invest in licenses for vital gaming tools and software, enhancing the overall gaming experience and ensuring top-notch security.

No matter the size of your donation, it significantly contributes to the sustainability of our community. By supporting us, you enable us to continue hosting exciting events, improving services, and expanding our outreach to passionate gamers worldwide.

Thank you for your belief in our vision and for being an essential part of North Industries. Together, we can take gaming to new heights and ensure an extraordinary gaming journey for all.