Teamspeak Viewer

Gain a real-time edge by effortlessly checking who's online among your gaming comrades, without even needing to connect.

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Creating your own channels is to Complicated?

Time left: Poll ended.

We have zero interest in your data, who you are, or what you do. Therefore, the only thing you need is your TeamSpeak ID. No registration is needed , just connectcreate your own channels, get full access instantly, and start gaming with your friends! It’s 100% anonymous, with no whitelists or blacklists. With our dashboard, you have it all in your hands.

🏆 Experience the Best with Our Secure, Anonymous, and Encrypted Gaming Features:
– Active Support
– Ranking System
– Music Bots
– Dynamic Banner
– Dynamic Channels
– Private Channels
– Auto Right System (higher rank = more rights)
– Feature Requests

✨ Your Gaming Hub, Your Way:
At North Industries, we’re all about customization. If you need any additional features or have specific requests, simply let us know, and we’ll make it happen.

👥 Join Our Community:
We’re all about making gaming accessible and enjoyable. There’s no need for registration or fees; all our services are completely free and anonymous, ensuring your privacy and security!

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1. Can i get elevated rights?

Basicly yes, use the contact form or poke one of the admins.

2. How to ban a user?

If you do not have rights to directly ban, ask someone with one of these server groups:


3. Can I have my own channel?

Yes you can! Just connect with our TeamSpeak Server and read the Dashboard Channel! More Info

4. Why can i not poke?

You need to reach at least level 2!

Need Help in more detail? Then teke a look at our help section.