“The Front” Game Server Online!

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🇪🇺🇩🇪 [EU-GER][PVP][NI][X10][TS3][NoWipe][ADMIN]

Server Settings

🔥 X10 Fast PVP Server by North Industries

📦 Stacksize: x10

🌟 Exp: x10

🌾 Gather: x5

⏰ Beacon time: x10

🛠️ Crafting Time: x10

🏰 Allowed Beacons Per Player: 2


🖥️ Server Type: AMD EPYC-Milian 8 Core – 24GB RAM

📍 Server Origin: Frankfurt, DE

🛡️ Servermode: PVP

🔄 Wipe: Never

⏰ Raid protection time: Never

🎮 Slots: 80 Players

🎒 Extras: Backpack drop, friendly fire, expanded inventory.

📅 Server Start: 22.11.2023

👥 Admins do not play, relaxed TS-community, beginner-friendly, community decides server settings, votes in Discord.

NOTE 📢 We recently switched from G-Portal to a dedicated server, so you might notice a lower player base on battlematrics.com.


🌐 Discord: https://discord.gg/J7VUQPHN

🏠 Homepage: https://north-industries.com/

🔊 TS3: https://north-industries.com/ts-viewer/

📈 Battlemetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/thefront/24273362

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